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How To Know If You Have Diabetes? Can It Cause Heart Disease?

 Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, there are certain ways to identify the condition. In type 1 diabetic patients, their pancreas fails to make insulin or makes very little insulin. Due to the absence of enough insulin, the blood sugar couldn’t reach the body cells. They instead get collected in the bloodstream. 

On the other hand, type 2 diabetes makes the body regulate and use glucose as a source of energy. In this condition, a lot of sugar circulates in the body. If a person doesn’t receive proper treatment from a diabetes doctor Jaipur, it can impact his nervous system, cause heart disease and also reduce the immune system.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

A person may encounter the following symptoms when he is diabetic. 

  • Constant hunger

A diabetic person or one on the verge of diagnosis may face constant hunger. He may feel hungry only a few hours after having a meal. The body tends to shiver if the food is not taken in this condition.

  • Constant thirst

With constant hunger, he may also feel thirsty now and then.


  • Blurred vision

Observing a blurry vision is one of the common symptoms of diabetes. In fact, a lot of people with diabetes encounter weak eyesight compared to those who don’t. 

  • Excess fatigue

Diabetic people also observe high fatigue in even the smallest activity they do. The lightest activities can make them sweat, lose breath, and even have pain in the joints. 

  • Low immunity

Low immunity is another common symptom of diabetes. Due to a malfunctioning pancreas, a lot of glands and hormones get disturbed, including the thyroid gland. This ultimately impacts the metabolism and immunity of the body. 

  • Slow healing

With low immunity, the healing capacity of the body also gets slow. Hence, the patient discovers slow recovery from fevers, wounds, and other diseases.  

If Diabetes Can Lead to Heart Diseases?

Based on studies, if you have diabetes, you are more likely to end up with a heart disease. This is because high-diabetic patients are prone to high blood pressure and cholesterol. High blood glucose during diabetes can damage the blood vessels of the patient. This can also impact the nerves that control these blood vessels. Gradually, this condition can lead to heart disease, and one can get a heart attack or a stroke. 

However, if one can diagnose diabetes at an early stage, he/she can take preventive steps, so that the disease cannot lead to a heart attack. By signing in for an EECP treatment in Jaipur, one can safeguard oneself from developing the symptoms of heart disease. EECP or Enhanced External Counterpulsation therapy can treat patients whose heart diseases cannot be controlled by medicines or surgery. Know more about the EECP treatment in Jaipur by visiting Sevyam’s official website. 


So, we read about the most common symptoms of diabetes and if it causes heart disease. If you’ve been facing these problems for some time, it is time to reach out to Sevyam. 

Sevyam is the centre of naturopathy, Ayurveda, homoeopathy, and allopathy treatment for various diseases. Here you can find the best diabetes doctor Jaipur to consult for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Also, you will find the best specialists for treatments of thyroid, liver, kidney, heart, and other organs in this centre. Visit the website to explore the range of healing services and book an appointment.


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